Applied Technology Test Study Guide
Posted By admin On 28.01.20TABE Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Required for admission to the SAT-School of Applied Technology programs. The cost of the first Math and English test is included in the $40 admissions application fee.
All retests are $15. The TABE is offered Monday through Friday on a walk-in basis at any of our. TABE Subtests Offered. Reading (Required for all programs).

Math Computation (Required for all programs except Electronics Assembly Technician) The SAT offers a College Academic Readiness program designed to prepare students for college level reading, writing and math. For information, visit. Practice Resource.
Applied Technology Services
ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment program that assists employers in selecting, hiring, training, developing, and retaining employees. ACT WorkKeys consists of diagnostic examinations in nine foundational skills and three soft skill sets; each exam’s length, time allotted, and format (internet vs. Paper) are contingent upon which skill is being tested. Please note this is supplemental content. For a primary study guide, we recommend.