Electric Fields Study Guide Answers

Posted By admin On 03.01.20
  1. Biology Study Guide Answers
  2. Study Guide A Answer Key

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21 ELECTRIC FIELDS Vocabulary Review For each description on the left, write the letter of the matching item. The ratio of the net charge on one plate to the potential difference, measured in farads, between two plates of a capacitor 2. The property of the space around a charged object that exerts a force on other charged objects 3. The work done moving a positive test charge between two points in an electric field divided by the magnitude of the test charge 4.

The potential difference of zero between two or more positions in an electric field 5 6. 1 J/C 7. A device with a specific capacitance that is used in electric circuits to store electrical energy a. Capacitance b. Electric field d.

Electric field lines e. Electric potential difference f.

Biology Study Guide Answers

Equipotential g. Volt the lines providing a picture of the size and strength of the field around a charged object SECTION 1 Measuring Electric Fields In your textbook, read about electric fields and picturing electric fields. Answer the following questions.

Use complete sentences. Do field lines and electric fields actually exist? How are field lines and electric fields useful?

2. What is a Van de Graaff generator?

How can one be used to show field lines? 3.

How can you find the electric field from two charges? Chapter 21  Electric Fields 1 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. How does Coulomb’s law relate to test charges? 5. If arrows represent electric field vectors in a picture of an electric field, how are the magnitude and the direction of the field shown?

6. What produces an electric field? 7. Why must you use a test charge to observe an electric field? 8. Why should an electric field be measured by a small test charge? Answer the following questions.

Show your calculations. A negative charge of 1.4107 C experiences a force of 1.2 N. What is the electric field magnitude at this location? What charge would experience a 1.2103 N force when in a uniform electric field of 4.4106 N/C? Chapter 21  Electric Fields 2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. What magnitude of force would be exerted on an electron in an electric field with a magnitude of 9.9107 N/C?

SECTION 2 Applications of Electric Fields In your textbook, read about energy and electric potential. Circle the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. A positive test charge is located at Point A. If the test charge is moved to a Point B and then back to Point A, what is the change in electric potential? The electric potential becomes zero.

The electric potential decreases. The electric potential does not change. The electric potential increases.

Only electric potential can be measured. Absolute values of c. Differences in b. Attractions between d.

Jetsort 2000 manual. The electric potential when a positive charge is moved toward a negative charge. Becomes positive c. Stays the same 4. When you do positive work on a two-charge system, the electric potential energy. Disappears c.

Does not change b. What equation defines electric potential difference? Q  J C F q' c. V  V W q' Chapter 21  Electric Fields 3 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 21 In your textbook, read about electric potential in a uniform field. For each statement below, write true or rewrite the italicized part to make the statement true. The direction of an electric field between two parallel conducting plates is from the positive plate to the negative plate.

The electrical difference between two points separated by a distance d in a uniform field is represented by the equation V  Ed. The potential increases in the direction opposite the electric field direction. The potential is lower near the positively charged plate. Two large, flat conducting plates parallel to each other can create a constant electric force and field. Both are charged negatively. In your textbook, read about capacitance and capacitors. Answer the following questions.

Show your calculations. Two plates of a capacitor are 12 cm apart and have an electric field of 350 N/C. What is the potential difference between the plates? How much work is done moving a positive charge of 5.1106 C from the negative plate to the positive plate of the capacitor in Question 11? What is the strength of the electric field generated by two oppositely charged plates that are 0.26 m apart and charged to a potential difference of 120 V? What is the magnitude of charge on a particle if 1.4103 J of work is needed to move the charge from one plate to another in Question 13?

Chapter 21  Electric Fields 4 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 21 In your textbook, read about storing charges. Answer the following questions. Show your calculations.

Study Guide A Answer Key

What is the capacitance of a sphere that is charged to 2.2106 C and has a potential difference of 240 V with Earth? What is the potential difference between a sphere and Earth if the sphere is charged to 9.6105 C and has a capacitance of 5.8107 C/V? A constant electric field of 250 N/C is between a set of parallel plates that have a potential difference between them of 12.0 V. How far apart are the plates? It takes 1.22 J to move a charge of 3.22 µC between two points in an electric field.

What is the potential difference between these two points? Chapter 21  Electric Fields 5 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. How large is the accumulated charge on one of the plates of a 45 µF capacitor when the potential difference between them is 85 V? What is the potential difference across a capacitor that has a charge of 133 µC and a capacitance of 12.2 pF? Chapter 21  Electric Fields 6 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Study Guide Teacher Support ELECTRIC FIELDS 7.

An electric field can be observed only when it produces forces on other charges. All numerical answers have been rounded to the correct number of significant figures. The test charge exerts a force on q. It is important that the force exerted by the test charge not move q to a new location, and thus change the force on q and the electric field being measured. Vocabulary Review 1. D  8.6  106 N/C 6.

G 1.2 N 1.4  10 7 C F E 1.2  10 3 N  4.4  106 N/C 10. B SECTION 1 Measuring Electric Fields  2.7  10 8 C 11. F  Eq  (9.9107 N/C)(1.61019 C)  1.61011 N 1. Field lines do not actually exist, but electric fields do. Field lines provide a model of an electric field. Electric fields provide a method of calculating the force on a charged body.

SECTION 2 Applications of Electric Fields 2. A Van de Graaff generator transfers large amounts of charge from one part of the machine to the top metal terminal. A person touching the terminal is charged electrically. The charges on the person’s hair repel one another, causing the hairs to follow the field lines. One charge produces an electric field. The other charge is a test charge, whose charge must be very small compared to that of the field charge. The field strength is calculated from the force on the test charge.

The force exerted on a test charge in an electric field is proportional to the size of the test charge. One is charged negatively, and one is charged positively. The density of the arrows indicates the magnitude of the field. The direction of the arrow indicates the field direction. V  Ed  (350 N/C)(0.12 m)  42 V 6.

An electric charge produces an electric field. Chapter 21  Electric Fields 7 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Study Guide Teacher Support 17.

V  Ed V d E 12.0 V  250 N/C 12. W  qV  (5.1  106 C)(42 V)  2.1  104 J V d 120 V  0.26 m 13. E   4.8  10 2 m W q 1.22 J  3.22 C 18. V   4.6  102 N/C W V 1.4  10 3 J  120 V 14. Q   3.79  10 1 V q V q  C V 19. C   1.2  10 5 C q V 2.2  10 6 C  240 V 15. C   (45  10  6 F)(85 V)  3.8  10  3 C  9.2  10 9 F 20.

Q C 9.6  10 5 C  5.8  10 7 C/V 16. V   1.7  102 V q V q V  C 1.33  10  6 C  12.2  10 12 F  1.09  105 V C Chapter 21  Electric Fields 8 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.