Lab Manual Anatomy And Physiology Morton College
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We were considering a new laboratory manual for our Anatomy and Physiology classes that would 1) integrate what we already created/use as handouts, 2) incorporate publisher content with additional resources (egs. Pictures of our own models/equipment), and 3) only focus on laboratory specific learning objectives.
To really accomplish what we wanted required us to make a custom laboratory manual that was not just a reduced version of already published material. Morton was the answer for us. We combined content from multiple Morton sources (egs. A&P manuals and Histology manuals) with our own and edited the content to align with our specific laboratory learning objectives.
The results was a cheaper, professional looking, focused and well received laboratory manual. After trying several different microbiology lab manuals, I was overjoyed to find Microbiology by Leboffe & Pierce.
Anatomy And Physiology Lab Manual
In addition to well written, easily understood lab procedures, the manual contains high quality color photos of procedure results instead of just drawings. The students are impressed by the real life results and also like the fact that it comes as a looseleaf 3-hole punch manual so they only have to carry the necessary pages to lab each week. The publishing staff is also easy to work with when customizing the manual to add some additional experiments. I’m sticking with Morton for my 500+ microbiology students each semester. Try it- you’ll love it! I am honored to work with the members of the Morton Publishing team!
I appreciate their dedication to the students and faculty they serve, receptivity to suggestions regarding curriculum and assessment, and generosity with resources. I am happy to report that in addition to our science majors biology students, the students in the dual enrollment program will also use Pendarvis and Crawley’s second edition of “Exploring Biology in the Laboratory”. The Morton team and the authors have performed a terrific revision to an already wonderful lab manual, and more students will benefit from it than before. I highly recommend this lab manual!

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Anatomy And Physiology Lab Manual Pdf Free
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