Petrel 2018 Manual

Posted By admin On 02.01.20
  1. Petrel Help
  2. Petrel 2017

Your platform just got sharper You are using 4K monitors? Not a problem—Petrel 2017 scales so you’ll have a clearer, brighter, and sharper view of your application workflows in high definition. And application startup time has been slashed to get you quicker access to your projects. Access more data faster In the past, accessing and searching your data could sometimes be slow, but we’ve addressed this through numerous performance improvements, including data recovery and search capabilities in Studio 2017. You can now use the AND and OR operators and well conditions in your manage filters to access more relevant data. To help you complete your seismic interpretation workflow, Studio 2017 now supports velocity models to enable storing and sharing them between interpreters.

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We also enhanced the SEGY 2D toolbox and the handling of prestack seismic data to help you load them with greater ease and accuracy. Interpret larger volumes of data If you have ever struggled with displaying and screening large seismic volumes you’ll welcome Petrel 2017’s enhanced performance experience in displaying inline, crossline, and Z-slice intersections from extralarge seismic ZGY volumes (1 TB). Petrel 2017 significantly improves your seismic intersection performance as well as that of your colleagues by storing the seismic cache in network drives and allowing cache file sharing among multiple users working with the same 3D seismic ZGY files across different Petrel platform projects and versions. Petrel 2017 also helps geologists make the most of their raw log data through its resolution and performance improvements to raster log data loading and handling. Cropped raster logs can now be loaded into the Petrel platform, with the right and left positions from the incoming file automatically maintained.

Model geological processes We’ve all dreamed of being able to model geological processes such as sedimentation flow or carbonates buildup—and that dream is now a reality using the new GPM geological process modeling software inside Petrel 2017. Users can show expected sediment geometries and predict lithology distributions for clastic and carbonate reservoirs—modeled separately or together. We’ve also made a lot of improvements to the reservoir modeling algorithms to ensure that you get the most accurate results and representations of your reservoir. Geosteer now You’ve spent months planning the well and now it’s time to land it in the most productive part of your reservoir.

Petrel 2017

By using our powerful new geosteering technology directly from the Petrel platform, you can accurately geosteer the well by employing multiple measurements such as LWD logs or borehole imagery to reach your reservoir. Better manage simulation cases It has never been easier to access Petrel platform features from a native ECLIPSE reservoir simulator case. Petrel 2017 provides an enhanced way to convert your ECLIPSE simulation cases to Petrel platform cases.

Petrel 2018 ManualPetrel 2018 ManualTransmission

You also now have the ability to directly convert your ECLIPSE simulator cases into INTERSECT simulator cases while preserving all the details of your ECLIPSE simulator cases such as user keywords. In addition to an improved conversion, you’ll enjoy having more capabilities for your INTERSECT simulator cases, such as streamline generation, grid coarsening, and advanced well control features through a very much enriched Field Management process. Learn even more You’re thinking, “Another release, a lot more new features and workflows to learn!” Don’t worry: Guru in-context guidance and support software is here to help guide you through the advanced workflows and features we’ve described, and there are another 60 new pages written in Guru software by domain experts to provide you with comprehensive workflows and guidance for more new tools and functionality in Petrel 2017. So you can go even further and deliver even faster.