Plant Study Guide Answer Key

Posted By admin On 12.01.20

FORCES. A force is any push or pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change speed or direction. The greater the force, the greater the change in motion will be. The more massive an object, the less effect a given force will have on the object. Unless acted on by a force, objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest remain at rest. FRICTION. Friction is the resistance to motion created by two objects moving against each other.

Friction creates heat. Print (PDF) Resources. CIRCUITS. A continuous flow of negative charges (electrons) creates an electric current. The pathway taken by an electric current is a circuit.

Closed circuits allow the movement of electrical energy. Open circuits prevent the movement of electrical energy. In a series circuit, there is only one pathway for the current, but in a parallel circuit there are two or more pathways for it. CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS. Electrical energy moves through materials that are conductors (metals).

Insulators (rubber, plastic, wood) do not conduct electricity well. Among conducting materials, the rate at which energy flows depends on the material’s resistance.

Plant Study Guide Answer Key

STATIC ELECTRICITY. Rubbing certain materials together creates static electricity. Lightning is the discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere. ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS Electrical to Mechanical (motion) Electrical to Light (radiant) Electrical to Thermal (heat) ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS.

Electrical energy can be transformed into light or motion, and can produce thermal energy. describe the types of energies (i.e., thermal, radiant, and mechanical) that are transformed by various household appliances (e.g., lamp, toaster, fan). MAGNETIC FIELDS. Certain iron-bearing metals attract other such metals (also nickel and cobalt). Lines of force extend from the poles of a magnet in an arched pattern defining the area over which magnetic force is exerted. An electric current creates a magnetic field.

A moving magnetic field creates an electric current. A current flowing through a wire creates a magnetic field. Wrapping a wire around certain iron-bearing metals (iron nail) and creating a closed circuit is an example of a simple electromagnet. SEEDS. Seeds vary considerably in size. Orchids, for example, produce seeds as small as dust particles. The coconut is one of the largest seeds in the plant kingdom.

In many seeds, the protective outer seed coat is resistant to physical damage and may also contain waxes and oils that help prevent water loss. The embryo within the seed begins as a single cell, the zygote. The basic organs of the plant body can be found in the embryo. In some seeds the embryonic leaves are quite large, filling most of the volume of the seed. The embryonic leaves are a major source of stored food for the embryo. Beans are an example of plants with large embryonic leaves.

In many other plants the embryonic leaves are relatively small, and the embryo is nourished by a tissue called endosperm. DORMANCY. Plants adapt to changes in their environment in order to survive. Dormancy is a plant adaptation. Dormancy is a period of suspended life processes brought on by changes in the environment. PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Green plants produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

Green plants use chlorophyll to produce food (sugar), using carbon dioxide, water, enzymes and other chemicals, and sunlight. Leaves are the primary food-producing part of these plants. Oxygen is released during photosynthesis. Print (PDF) Resources. ADAPTATIONS. Organisms have structural adaptations or physical attributes that help them meet a life need. Organisms also have behavioral adaptations, or certain types of activities they perform, which help them meet a life need.

POPULATIONS, COMMUNITIES, ECOSYSTEMS. All the organisms of the same species that live in the same place at the same time are a population. Populations of species that live in the same place at the same time together make up a community. All the populations and the nonliving components in an environment that interact with each other form an ecosystem.

ENERGY PYRAMIDS; FOOD CHAINS. The organization of communities is based on the utilization of the energy from the sun within a given ecosystem. The greatest amount of energy in a community is in the producers. Within a community, organisms are dependent on the survival of other organisms. Energy is passed from one organism to another. The sun’s energy cycles through ecosystems from producers through consumers and back into the nutrient pool through decomposers.

HABITATS AND NICHES. A habitat is the place or kind of place in which an animal or plant naturally lives. An organism’s habitat provides food, water, shelter, and space.

The size of the habitat depends on the organism’s needs. A niche is the function that an organism performs in the food web of that community. A niche also includes everything else the organism does and needs in its environment.

No two types of organisms occupy exactly the same niche in a community. The organization of a community is defined by the interrelated niches within it. During its life cycle, an organism’s role in the community — its niche — may change. For example, what an animal eats, what eats it, and other relationships will change. Humans can have a major impact on ecosystems.

Print (PDF) resources. AIR MASSES AND FRONTS. Temperature is the measure of the amount of thermal energy in the atmosphere. Air pressure is due to the weight of the air and is determined by several factors including the temperature of the air. (Understand that high pressure is associated with clear cool weather, and low pressure is associated with warm wet weather. ).

A front is the boundary between air masses of different temperature and humidity. ( Warm front - warm air mass pushes out cold air mass. Often brings rain and fog.

Cold front - cold air mass pushes out warm air mass. Often brings thunderstorms. ). Extreme atmospheric conditions create various kinds of storms such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Different atmospheric conditions create different types of precipitation (e.g., rain, snow, sleet, and hail). CLOUD TYPES. Cirrus, stratus, cumulus, and cumulo-nimbus clouds are associated with certain weather conditions.

Cumulus clouds are fluffy and white with flat bottoms. They usually indicate fair weather. However, when they get larger and darker on the bottom, they become cumulo-nimbus clouds. Cumulo-nimbus clouds may produce thunderstorms. Stratus clouds are smooth, gray clouds that cover the whole sky (block out direct sunlight).

Light rain and drizzle are usually associated with stratus clouds. Cirrus clouds are feathery clouds.

They are associated with fair weather. Cirrus clouds often indicate that rain or snow will fall within several hours.

METEOROLOGICAL TOOLS. Meteorologists gather data by using a variety of instruments.

Meteorologists use data to predict weather patterns. A barometer measures air pressure. An anemometer measures wind speed. A rain gauge measures the amount of precipitation. A thermometer measures the temperature of the air.

Print Resources. SOL 4.7 The Solar System - Key concepts:.

the planets in the solar system;. the order of the planets in the solar system.

the relative sizes of the planets SOL 4.8 Sun, Moon, Earth- Key concepts:. the motions of Earth, the moon, and the sun; the causes for Earth’s seasons;. the causes for the phases of the moon. the relative size, position, age, and makeup of Earth, the moon, and the sun; and.

historical contributions in understanding the Earth-moon-sun system. CLICK to learn more - Click again to close. OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. Our solar system is ancient. Early astronomers believed that Earth was the center of the universe and all other heavenly bodies orbited around Earth. We now know that our sun is the center of our solar system and eight planets, a handful of dwarf planets, 170 named moons, dust, gas, and thousands of asteroids and comets orbit around the sun.

THE EIGHT PLANETS. Our solar system is made up o f eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The eight planets sorted by size from largest to smallest are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury. INNER TERRESTRIAL PLANETS. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are considered terrestrial planets. Mercury is closest to the sun and is a small, heavily cratered planet. Mercury looks like our moon.

Since Pluto’s reclassification from planet to dwarf planet, Mercury is now the smallest planet in our solar system. Venus is second from the sun. It is similar to Earth in size and mass, and has a permanent blanket of clouds that trap so much heat that the temperatures on the surface of Venus are hot enough to melt lead. Earth is third from the sun.

Earth’s atmosphere, the liquid water found on Earth, and its distance from the sun, among many other factors, make Earth a haven for life. Mars is fourth from the sun.

The atmosphere on Mars is thin and there is a vast network of canyons and riverbeds on the red planet. Scientists hypothesize that Mars once supported a wet, warm Earth-like climate. GAS GIANTS. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called gas giants. Jupiter is fifth from the sun. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is considered a gas giant.

Jupiter has no solid surface. Saturn is sixth from the sun. Early scientists thought Saturn was the only planet with rings, but we now know that all four gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) have rings. Uranus is seventh from the sun.

Uranus is a gas giant. Neptune is eighth from the sun. Neptune appears blue through telescopes and is a gas giant. DWARF PLANETS. Pluto is no longer included in the list of planets in our solar system due to its small size and irregular orbit. Many astronomers questioned whether Pluto should be grouped with worlds like Earth and Jupiter. In 2006, this debate led the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the recognized authority in naming heavenly objects, to formally reclassify Pluto.

Introduction to the plant kingdom homework/study guide answer key

On August 24, 2006, Pluto's status was officially changed from planet to dwarf planet. A new distinct class of objects called ' dwarf planets' was identified in 2006. It was agreed that 'planets' and 'dwarf planets' are two distinct classes of objects.

The first members of the dwarf planet category are Ceres, Pluto and 2003 UB313, given the name Eris. More dwarf planets are expected to be announced by the IAU in the future. What differentiates a dwarf planet from a planet?. For the most part, they are identical, but there is one key difference: A dwarf planet has not 'cleared the neighborhood' around its orbit, which means it has not become gravitationally dominant and it shares its orbital space with other bodies of a similar size.

Pluto is smaller than seven of the moons in our solar system and cannot be seen without a telescope. ROTATION, REVOLUTION, TILT. Earth completes one revolution around the sun every 365 ¼ days. The moon revolves around Earth about once every month. Due to its axial tilt, Earth experiences seasons during its revolution around the sun. The phases of the moon are caused by its position relative to Earth and the sun.

The phases of the moon include the new, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full, waning gibbous, last (third) quarter, and waning crescent. SUN, MOON, EARTH - SIZE & MAKEUP. The sun is an average-sized yellow star, about 110 times the diameter of Earth.

The sun is approximately 4.6 billion years old. Our moon is a small rocky satellite, having about one-quarter the diameter of Earth and one-eightieth its mass. It has extremes of temperature, virtually no atmosphere or life, and very little water.

Earth is one of eight planets that revolve around the sun and comprise the solar system. Earth, the third planet from the sun, is one of the four terrestrial inner planets. It is about 150 million kilometers from the sun. Earth is a geologically active planet with a surface that is constantly changing. Unlike the other three inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars), it has large amounts of life-supporting water and an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

Earth’s protective atmosphere blocks out most of the sun’s damaging rays. HISTORICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. Our understanding of the solar system has changed from an Earth-centered model of Aristotle and Ptolemy to the sun-centered model of Copernicus and Galileo. The NASA Apollo missions added greatly to our understanding of the moon. Our understanding of the sun, moon, and the solar system continues to change with new scientific discoveries.

Print (PDF) resources. WATERSHEDS. A watershed is an area over which surface water (and the materials it carries) flows to a single collection place. The Chesapeake Bay watershed covers approximately half of Virginia’s land area. The other two major watershed systems are the Gulf of Mexico and the North Carolina Sounds. VIRGINIA’S NATURAL RESOURCES. Virginia is rich in a wide variety of natural resources, including forests, arable (farmable) land, coal, sand and aggregates (rocks), wildlife and aquatic organisms, clean water and air, and beautiful scenery.

Virginia’s water resources include groundwater, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, bays, and the Atlantic Ocean. Virginia has a great variety of plant and animal resources. Natural and cultivated forests are a widespread resource in Virginia. Virginia’s soil and land support a great variety of life, provide space for many economic activities, and offer a variety of recreational opportunities.

Print (PDF) resources. VIBRATING MATTER - COMPRESSION WAVES. Sound is a form of energy produced and transmitted by vibrating matter. Sound waves are compression (longitudinal) waves.

When compression (longitudinal) waves move through matter (solid, liquid, or a gas), the molecules of the matter move backward and forward in the direction in which the wave is traveling. As sound waves travel, molecules are pressed together in some parts ( compression) and in some parts are spread out (rarefaction). A child’s toy in the form of a coil is a good tool to demonstrate a compression (longitudinal) wave. FREQUENCY, WAVELENGTH, PITCH & AMPLITUDE. The frequency of sound is the number of wavelengths in a given unit of time.

The wavelength of sound is the distance between two compressions or between two rarefactions. The wavelength can be measured from any point on a wave as long as it is measured to the same point on the next wave. Pitch is determined by the frequency of a vibrating object. Objects vibrating faster have a higher pitch than objects vibrating slower.

A change in frequency of sound waves causes an audible sensation—a difference in pitch. Amplitude is the amount of energy in a compression (longitudinal) wave and is related to intensity and volume. For example, when a loud sound is heard, it is because many molecules have been vibrated with much force. A soft sound is made with fewer molecules being vibrated with less force. Remember: larger, longer or thicker vibrating objects create lower frequency (lower pitch) sounds.

Likewise, smaller, shorter, or thinner (or stretched) vibrating objects create higher frequency (higher pitch) sounds. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Musical instruments vibrate to produce sound. There are many different types of musical instruments and each instrument causes the vibrations in different ways. The most widely accepted way to classify musical instruments is to classify them by the way in which the sound is produced by the instrument. The four basic classifications are percussion instruments (e.g., drums, cymbals), stringed instruments (e.g., violin, piano, guitar), wind instruments (e.g., flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone), and electronic instruments (e.g., electronic organ, electric guitar). Print (PDF) resources.

WAVES & PARTICLES. Light has properties of both a wave and a particle. Anatomy and physiology lab manual pdf free. Recent theory identifies light as a small particle, called a photon. A photon moves in a straight line. In both the light wave and photon descriptions, light is energy. Because light has both electric and magnetic fields, it is referred to as electromagnetic radiation.

Light waves move as transverse waves and travel through a vacuum at a speed of approximately 186,000 miles per second (2.99 x 108 meters per second). Compared to sound, light travels extremely fast. It takes light from the sun less than 8½ minutes to travel 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) to reach Earth.

Unlike sound, light waves travel in straight paths called rays and do not need a medium through which to move. A ray is the straight line that represents the path of light. A beam is a group of parallel rays. WAVELENGTH & FREQUENCY. Light waves are characterized by their wavelengths and the frequency of their wavelengths. The size of a wave is measured as its wavelength, which is the distance between any two corresponding points on successive waves, usually crest-to-crest or trough-to-trough. The wavelength can be measured from any point on a wave as long as it is measured to the same point on the next wave.

Frequency is the number of waves passing a given point every second. The greater the frequency, the greater the amount of energy. ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Light waves are waves of energy. The amount of energy in a light wave is proportionally related to its frequency: high frequency light has high energy; low frequency light has low energy.

The more wavelengths in a light wave in a given period of time, the higher the energy level. Thus gamma rays have the most energy, and radio waves have the least. Of visible light, violet has the most energy and red the least.

The entire range of electromagnetic radiation (light) is called the electromagnetic spectrum. The only difference between the various types of electromagnetic radiation is the amount of energy. Sunlight consists of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

The wavelengths detectible by the human eye represent only a very small part of the total electromagnetic spectrum. We see visible light as the colors of the rainbow. Each color has a different wavelength. Red has the longest wavelength and violet has the shortest wavelength. The colors of the visible spectrum from the longest wavelength to the shortest wavelength are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet ( ROYGBV). Most scientists no longer include the color indigo, which used to be included between blue and violet. Black and white are not spectral colors.

Black is when a material absorbs all the visible light and no light is reflected back. Black is a total absence of reflected light. White is a reflection of all visible light together. REFLECTION (BOUNCING BACK). Light travels in straight paths until it hits an object, where it bounces off (is reflected), is bent (is refracted), passes through the object (is transmitted), or is absorbed as heat. The term reflected light refers to light waves that are neither transmitted nor absorbed, but are thrown back from the surface of the medium they encounter. If the surface of the medium contacted by the wave is smooth and polished (e.g., a mirror), each reflected wave will be reflected back at the same angle as the incident wave.

The wave that strikes the surface of the medium (e.g., a mirror) is called the incident wave, and the one that bounces back is called the reflected wave. REFRACTION (BENDING). Refraction means the bending of a wave resulting from a change in its velocity (speed) as it moves from one medium to another (e.g., light moving from the air into water). The frequency of the wave does not change. The amount of bending of the light wave (refraction) depends on:. The density of the material it is entering;. The wavelength of the light wave; and.

The angle at which the original light wave enters the new medium. Some examples of refraction are when:. Refraction causes a setting sun to look flat. A spoon appears to bend when it is immersed in a cup of water. The bending seems to take place at the surface of the water, or exactly at the point where there is a change of density.

Shadows on the bottom of a pool are caused because air and water have different densities. A glass prism disperses white light into its individual colors. As visible light exits the prism, it is refracted and separated into a display of colors. A rainbow is an example of both refraction and reflection. Sunlight is first refracted when it enters the surface of a spherical raindrop, it is then reflected off the back of the raindrop, and once again refracted as it leaves the raindrop. A prism can be used to refract and disperse visible light. When the different wavelengths of light in visible light pass through a prism, they are bent at different angles (refracted).

Dispersion occurs when we see the light separated into a display of colors: ROYGBV. Dispersion is the separation of light. Dispersion occurs with transparent surfaces that are not parallel to each other, such as a prism or gemstone facets. TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT, OPAQUE. Light passes through some materials easily ( transparent materials), through some materials partially ( translucent materials), and through some not at all ( opaque materials). The relative terms transparent, translucent, and opaque indicate the amount of light that passes through an object. Examples of transparent materials include clear glass, clear plastic food wrap, clean water, and air.

Examples of translucent materials include wax paper, frosted glass, thin fabrics, some plastics, and thin paper. Examples of opaque materials include metal, wood, bricks, aluminum foil, and thick paper.

Print (PDF) resources. WHAT IS MATTER?. Matter is anything that has mass and volume. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. The mass of an object does not change. ( Weight of an object changes based on the gravitational pull on it.

A person will have the same mass on Earth, Mars, and our moon. However, his or her weight on our moon will be 1/6 of what it is on Earth and will be 1/3 as much on Mars.) PHASES OF MATTER: SOLID, LIQUID, GAS.

Matter can exist in several distinct forms which are called phases. The three basic phases of matter generally found on Earth are gas, liquid, and solid. As its temperature increases, many kinds of matter change from a solid to a liquid to a gas. As its temperature decreases, that matter changes from a gas to a liquid to a solid. ATOMS, MOLECULES, ELEMENTS.

All matter, regardless of its size, shape, or color, is made of particles ( atoms and molecules) that are too small to be seen by the unaided eye. There are more than 100 known elements that make up all matter. A few of the more familiar elements include: hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), helium (He), carbon (C), sodium (Na), and potassium (K). The smallest part of an element is an atom. MIXTURES & COMPOUNDS. When two or more elements combine to form a new substance, it is called a compound.

There are many different types of compounds because atoms of elements combine in many different ways (and in different whole number ratios) to form different compounds. Examples include water (H2O) and table salt (NaCl). The smallest part of a compound is a molecule. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that do not lose their identifying characteristics when combined. A solution is a mixture in which one substance dissolves in another.

NANOTECHNOLOGY. Nanotechnology is the study of materials at the molecular (atomic) scale. Items at this scale are so small they are no longer visible with the naked eye.

Nanotechnology has shown that the behavior and properties of some substances at the nanoscale (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter) contradict how they behave and what their properties are at the visible scale. Many products on the market today are already benefiting from nanotechnology such as sunscreens, scratch-resistant coatings, and medical procedures. Print (PDF) resources. Living things are made of cells.

Cells carry out all life processes. New cells come from existing cells.

Cells are too small to be seen with the eye alone. By using a microscope, many parts of a cell can be seen.

For plant and animal cells, identify the following structures and their functions. For plants: the nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole, chloroplasts, cytoplasm. For animal:, the nucleus, cell membrane, vacuole, cytoplasm. Plant cells and animal cells are similar but different in shape and some parts. Plant cells (but not animal cells) have cell walls, chloroplasts, and a large central vacuole. Plant cells tend to be rectangular, while animal cells tend to be spherical or at times irregular. Organisms that share similar characteristics can be organized into groups in order to help understand similarities and differences.

Plants can be categorized as vascular or nonvascular. Vascular (having special tissues to transport food and water — for example, trees and flowering plants). Nonvascular (not having tissues to transport food and water — for example, moss, liverworts, hornworts). Most plants are vascular. Animals can be categorized as vertebrates or invertebrates. vertebrates (having backbones) (fish, frogs, reptiles, birds, people). invertebrates (not having backbones).

(insects, worms, crabs, spiders) Print (PDF) resources. OCEAN FEATURES. Oceans cover about 70 percent of the surface of Earth. Important features of the ocean floor near the continents are the continental shelf, the continental slope, and the continental rise. These areas are covered with thick layers of sediments (sand, mud, rocks).

The depth of the ocean varies. Ocean trenches are very deep, and the continental shelf is relatively shallow.

Plant Study Guide Answer Key

OCEAN WATER;. Ocean water is a complex mixture of gases (air) and dissolved solids ( salts, especially sodium chloride). Marine organisms are dependent on dissolved gases for survival. The salinity of ocean water varies in some places depending on rates of evaporation and amount of runoff from nearby land.

OCEAN MOTION. The basic motions of ocean water are the waves, currents, and tides.

Ocean currents, including the Gulf Stream, are caused by wind patterns and the differences in water densities (due to salinity and temperature differences). Ocean currents affect the mixing of ocean waters. This can affect plant and animal populations. Currents also affect navigation routes. OCEAN LIFE.

As the depth of ocean water increases, the temperature decreases, the pressure increases, and the amount of light decreases. These factors influence the type of life forms that are present at a given depth. Plankton are tiny free-floating organisms that live in water.

Plankton may be animal-like or plant-like. Animal-like plankton are called zooplankton. Plant-like plankton ( phytoplankton) carry out most of the photosynthesis on Earth. Therefore, they provide much of Earth’s oxygen.

Phytoplankton form the base of the ocean food web. Plankton flourish in areas where nutrient-rich water upwells from the deep. Print (PDF) resources. ROCK CYCLE. Rocks move and change over time due to heat and pressure within Earth and due to weathering, erosion, and deposition at the surface. These and other processes constantly change rock from one type to another.

Depending on how rocks are formed, they are classified as. sedimentary (layers of sediment cemented together). igneous (melted and cooled, e.g., lava and magma). metamorphic (changed by heat and pressure) ROCK IDENTIFICATION. Rocks have properties that can be observed, tested, and described. Composition, grain size and textural features, color, and the presence of fossils help with identification. Classification keys (5.1) can aid this process.

Be sure you can identify rock samples of granite, gneiss, slate, limestone, shale, sandstone, and coal using a rock classification key. ANCIENT EARTH - FOSSILS. Scientific evidence indicates Earth is ancient — approximately 4.6 billion years old. The age of many rocks can be determined very reliably. Fossils provide information about life and conditions of the past. EARTH'S LAYERS.

Scientific evidence indicates that Earth is composed of four concentric layers — crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core — each with its own distinct characteristics. The outer two layers are composed primarily of rocky material. The innermost layers are composed mostly o f iron and nickel. Pressure and temperature increase with depth beneath the surface.

PLATE MOVEMENT. Earth’s thermal energy causes movement of material within Earth. Large continent-size blocks ( plates) move slowly about Earth’s surface, driven by that thermal energy.

Plant Study Guide Answer Key

Most earthquakes and volcanoes are located at the boundaries of the plates ( faults). Plates can. move together ( convergent boundaries),. apart ( divergent boundaries),.

or slip past each other horizontally ( transform boundaries, also called strike-slip or sliding boundaries). Geological features in the oceans (including trenches and mid-ocean ridges) and on the continents ( mountain ranges, including the Appalachian Mountains) are caused by current and past plate movements. WEATHERING & EROSION. Rocks and other materials on Earth’s surface are constantly being broken down both chemically and physically.

The products of weathering include clay, sand, rock fragments, and soluble substances. Materials can be moved by water and wind ( eroded) and deposited in new locations as sediment ( deposition). HUMAN IMPACT. Humans have varying degrees of impact on Earth’s surface through their everyday activities. With careful planning, the impact on the land can be controlled.

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The basic unit of structure and function in the human body is the cell 3. Describe each of these processes: phagocytosis - consuming large food particles, pinocytosis - consuming large liquid particles, exocytosis - pushing waste or vesicles out of the cell 4. What is the difference between active transport and passive transport?

Give a specific example of each type. Active transport - requires energy ATP; sodium-potassium pump, endocytosis, exocytosis passive transport - does not require energy; diffusion and osmosis 5. Describe the process of making and exporting a protein from a cell. Proteins are made by the ribosomes and then transported through the endoplasmic reticulum where they are packaged into vesicles by the golgi apparatus. Vesicles are exported out of the cell (exocytosis) 6.

Describe the cell membrane and its properties. What is its function?

The cell membrane is selectively permeable, it consists of phospholipids and proteins arranged in a bilayer, it regulates what comes into and out of the cell 7. What is diffusion and facilitated diffusion? What is osmosis? Diffusion is the movement of molecules from areas of high concentration to low, molecules tend to spread out faciliatated diffusion uses proteins in the membrane to help move molecules across osmosis is the diffusion of water 8.

3.5 Study Guide Answer Key

List and describe the stages in the life cycle of a cell. Interphase - resting phase, cell makes a copy of DNA prophase -chromatin condenses in chromosomes, spindle forms metaphase - chromosomes line up along the equator anaphase - chromatids separate telophase - cell begins to pinch inward, nuclear membrane reforms, spindle disappears; cytokinesis begins. What is the centriole and the spindle and what is their role in cellular reproduction?

Chemistry Study Guide Answer Key

Structures that move chromosomes so that each new daughter cell gets the correct number 10. What is the difference between chromosomes, chromatin, and chromatids? Chromosomes look like X's and appear during prophase, chromatin is DNA, a chromatid is a single copy (half of the X) that is visible during prophase and eventually separates during anaphase 11. What is DNA and what do the letters stand for?

Deoxyribonucleic acid 12. Explain the process of cellular respiration and why it is important for the cell. Cellular respiration uses oxygen and glucose to create ATP, ATP is necessary for many of the cell function, like the active transport. Respiration occurs in the mitochondria. What is the difference between hypertonic, hypotonic, & isotonic? What will happen to cells placed in each type of solution? Isotonic - solution has an equal concentration as the cell, no net movement hypertonic - solution has a greater number of solutes, this causes water to move out of the cell hypotonic - solution has fewer solutes, this causes water to move into the cell Remember the rule: SALT SUCKS.